Saturday, November 16, 2013

Big Brown Beaver

OK, let's give this a spin...

Direct link to video here.

Let me right now take this opportunity to explain to those people who visited my old WordPress blog (which, sadly, no longer exists & has been replaced by this very blog you see here!) that - if you have a WordPress blog of your own and a "username" you should be able to comment here with that account, but I've heard (& seen for myself) that Blogger's comment-gizmo is not all that user-friendly at times and in some cases doesn't work!   You can try OpenID in that case... but for those of you too leery to open a Google account (understanding their - and other popular Internet conglomerates' - desire to make us expunge every little detail of our lives into the user-profiles they manage for us individually, and the HIGH potential for privacy concerns that entails) I have allowed "anonymous" comments on this blog - you still need to verify that you are an actual person using that silly little gizmo that creates random "words" that you have to type into a box to allow your comment to post.

One more thing I noticed about commenting here at Blogspot compared to WordPress is that, by design (& intentionally) Blogspot's comment-form is extremely restrictive to text-only comments with very limited allowance of HTML-tags ('a' - anchor, for hyperlinks, 'b' - bold text and 'i' - italics text).  All other tags are blocked and not allowed!  Blogspot says those restrictions are used to prevent spam (which, from my experience, is quite widespread on WordPress, though WP does have an excellent spam-blocker).  Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to override those restrictions here.  Read the Blogger Help article on comments for more info.

As I get more & more familiar with this "new" (for me, at least) host and what features I can implement here (I really would like to include more photo-galleries, audio-players - basically like I once had on WordPress but without all the bullshit of me having to pay for "extra space" when the files that I do upload are small enough, relatively speaking, that I should not require the additional storage-space that I would have to pay for), certain changes and tweaks to this site will be attempted & implemented.  In the meantime, enjoy! :)


  1. I need to tweak the embed-code to make the video bigger...

  2. Looking good, Bobby Ray!

    ~ CG here!

  3. Sailing on the seas of cheese... with plutonium.

  4. Thanks, Kitty & pluto! Commenting here leaves a bit to be desired but 'anonymous' works, so...

  5. Pluto here. I'll be sure to stop by while you get the kinks worked out. Wanted to post a kinks link but no dice. love Primus btw.

  6. You should be able to manually type in an anchor HTML-tag to add a link to a comment. Example:

    Kinks 'Waterloo Sunset'

  7. The Kinks~Lola

  8. pfft.. hosed that one up again.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.